Knowledge Articles

Whatsapp Business Platform - Help Guide

Installation :

Enter the org details in which the application is to be installed with the given link

Choose Install for All Users and acknowledge by checking the checkbox 

click Install Button

Patient care automation

Check the check boxes below SSL Encrypted.

Check the access checkbox and click Continue

Medical appointment scheduling WhatsApp

Once the installation is complete Click Done

Real-time patient feedback Salesforce

1.Create Phone Code Prefix field and Whatsapp Opt out field in Respective custom object (Create Only for Pure Custom Object)

2. If Customer is using phone field with special characters Create a new Formula field like WA Formatted Phone

{ Formula :  SUBSTITUTE (SUBSTITUTE (SUBSTITUTE (SUBSTITUTE (SUBSTITUTE (Phone, ‘(‘, ”), ‘)’, ”), ‘-‘, ”), ‘+’, ”), ‘ ‘, ”) }

Creating Records in Custom Meta Data :

Go to Setup. Search Custom Metadata Types  in Quick Find Box and click on that

Healthcare service efficiency

Click on Manage Records near Country Phone Code Mapping

Click New Button

Label – Enter the Country Name 

Phone Prefix – Phone code prefix of respective country

Click Save

Salesforce WhatsApp case studies in healthcare

Click on Manage Records near WhatsApp Business URL

WhatsApp Salesforce telehealth solutions

Click New button

Salesforce patient communication system

WhatsApp for Custom Object With Contact Lookup :

(If you are placing the component in Custom Object with Contact lookup)

  • Label – Custom Object
  • WhatsApp Business URL Name  –  Gets pre populated automatically
  • Access Token  – Permanent access token generated from Meta
  • Encryption Key – ****************
  • FB Verify Token – Token used while verifying Webhook
  • Phone Id  –  Phone Number Id From Meta
  • Value
  • Version  – v15.0
  • WhatsApp Business Id  –  WhatsApp Business Account Id from Meta
  • Phone Code  –    +1(For US Phone Numbers)
  • Target Object – Choose the Target Object as Custom Object
  • Display Number  – From Number in Meta
  • Custom Object Name – Enter the Custom Object Name API
  • Name Field API – API of Name field of Custom Object / Contact
  • Contact Lookup API Name – API of Contact Lookup in Custom Object
  • Country Field API Name – MailingCountry
  • Phone Field API Name – API Name phone field
  • Phone Prefix Field API Name – WA_CustomObject__Phone_Code_Prefix__c
  • Default Phone Code – Enter the Default Phone code of your country
  • Formatted Phone Field – If Customer is using phone field with special characters then enter the API Name of Created Formatted Phone Field or use Phone field
  • OwnerId – Enter the user id to assign the owner for new records (OPTIONAL)

WhatsApp for Custom Object Without Contact Lookup :

(If you are placing the component in Custom Object without Contact lookup)

  • Label – Custom Object
  • WhatsApp Business URL Name  –  Gets pre populated automatically
  • Access Token  – Permanent access token generated from Meta
  • Encryption Key – ****************
  • FB Verify Token – Token used while verifying Webhook
  • Phone Id  –  Phone Number Id From Meta
  • Value
  • Version  – v15.0
  • WhatsApp Business Id  –  WhatsApp Business Account Id from Meta
  • Phone Code  –    +1(For US Phone Numbers)
  • Target Object – Choose the Target Object as Custom Object
  • Display Number  – From Number in Meta
  • Custom Object Name – Enter the Custom Object Name API
  • Name Field API – API of Name field of Custom Object 
  • Contact Lookup API Name – Blank
  • Country Field API Name – Country Field API Name
  • Phone Field API Name – API Name phone field
  • Phone Prefix Field API Name – WA_CustomObject__Phone_Code_Prefix__c
  • Default Phone Code – Enter the Default Phone code of your country
  • Formatted Phone Field – If Customer is using phone field with special characters then enter the API Name of Created Formatted Phone Field or use Phone field
  • OwnerId – Enter the user id to assign the owner for new records (OPTIONAL)

Click Save Button

WhatsApp integration for healthcare providers

Component Placement :

Contact Page / Custom Object :

Go to Contacts tab

Select a Contact Record and give edit page

Drag & drop the wA_CustomObjectWithContact from components to the page

Healthcare mobile communication tools

Contact API Name  – Enter Contact Lookup Api name if component is placed in Custom object record page otherwise leave it as blank

Contact Phone Field API Name – Enter the API Name of corresponding phone field

Click Save

Salesforce WhatsApp for hospital management

Custom Object Without Contact :

Go to respective Custom Object page

Select the record and give edit page

Drag & drop the wA_CusObjScreen from components to the page and click Save

Phone Field – Enter the API Name of Respective Phone Field

Patient care coordination WhatsApp Salesforce

Sending Bulk Messages :

Respective Custom Object → Buttons, Links, Actions → New Button or Link

Label – Button Label

Display Type – List button

Content Source  – URL

URL – /flow/WA_CustomObject/Send_Bulk_Messages?retURL=<URL OF Custom Object List View>

Click Save

WhatsApp as a healthcare messaging tool

Respective Custom Object → List View Button Layout

Edit the list view and add the Recently created button

Click Save

Salesforce APIs for healthcare WhatsApp integration

Go to respective Custom Object List View

Select the records and Click Send Whatsapp Messages button

Choose the WA Template and Click Send Messages button

Cross-platform healthcare communication solutions

Mobile Notification :

To Get Notification for inbound messages. Goto setup → Notification Delivery Settings

Click the down arrow and choose Edit button

Salesforce enhanced medical CRM features

Choose Salesforce for iOS and Salesforce for Android Checkbox and Click Save

Implementing WhatsApp in healthcare settings
WhatsApp Business for Salesforce Users

Level up WhatsApp Integration with Salesforce

Start with a 30 day trial for you to taste the CRM + WhatsApp interactions!