Knowledge Articles

How To Fix The Issue Arising When
Creating System User?

  • If you’re facing an issue like the one attached below when creating the System User for your Meta App:
CRM WhatsApp
CRM WhatsApp
  • Check if your account is restricted. If your account is not restricted, it will look like the image below.
CRM WhatsApp
  • And if it does not have any issues it will look like the below image.
CRM WhatsApp
  • If your account is restricted follow the steps below. If it is not, you can skip the below steps and head straight to our CASE – 2 Section.

CASE 1: Account is Restricted

CRM WhatsApp
  • Click on ‘Request Review’ and upload any valid form of ID like Driver’s License, Passport, etc. This will usually take anywhere around 30 mins – 48 hours and you will receive an email once your account is verified.
  • You can now loop back to the previous steps on our website and initiate System User Creation again.

CASE 2: Account Is Not Restricted

  • If your account is not restricted then, loop back to the previous steps for creating System User. But instead of ‘Admin,’ choose ‘Employee’
CRM WhatsApp
  • Now click on ‘WhatsApp Accounts’
CRM WhatsApp
  • Click on ‘Assign People’
CRM WhatsApp
  • Now select the employee role you have created and click on ‘Manage WhatsApp business accounts’ and select ‘Assign.’
CRM WhatsApp
  • After successfully completing this, you can revert back to the steps mentioned on our website.
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